Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus auctioned and is to be donated to a museum

SOLD! Ruling party founder Bidzina Ivanishvili donates John Zosimos’ unique manuscript to Georgian National Museum (Agenda.Ge).
Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder and the Honorary Chair of the ruling Georgian Dream party, on Tuesday purchased a unique handwritten manuscript of the 10th-century by the famed Georgian calligrapher, author, translator and bookbinder-monk John Zosimos at Christie's auction in London.

The GD’s press office announced that the Codex Sinaiticus Rescriptus, the unique manuscript of the 5th-7th century, would be donated to the Georgian National Museum.


The manuscript is a palimpsest, whose underlying text contains excerpts from an early Aramaic translation of the Gospels and other Aramaic texts.

It belongs in a museum. I commend the buyer for doing the right thing.

Background here.

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