Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Review of Pioske, The Bible Among Ruins

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: Review: The Bible Among Ruins.
The Bible Among Ruins
Time, Material Remains, and the World of the Biblical Writers

By Daniel Pioske
(Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2023), 308 pp., 50 b/w figs.; $110.00 (hardback and eBook)

Reviewed by Aaron A. Burke

... While it is relatively easy to recognize that ruins were a part of ancient landscapes, Pioske challenges us to recognize that ruins were perceived quite differently by ancient peoples, who had an entirely different conception of time than do people of the modern world. He highlights, for example, the lack of interest shown in the biblical text for the exploration of the past, despite an awareness of the antiquity of ruins that surrounded ancient writers. ...

I noted the publication of the book here and a related essay by its author here.

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