Thursday, October 30, 2014

DSS replica plus Gabriel Revelation in Hong Kong

EXHIBITION: Hong Kong to get a glimpse of largest of the historic Dead Sea Scrolls (Elizabeth Cheung, South China Morning Post).
A copy of the largest of the Dead Sea Scrolls, some of the oldest and most significant texts ever discovered, will go on display in Hong Kong next week, alongside the Gabriel Revelation Stone, often called the “stone scroll”.

The Great Scroll of Isaiah, which is 734cm long, is the largest and most complete of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls which were discovered in caves near the West Bank, next to the Dead Sea, in 1947.

The scroll, written in Hebrew, contains the entire 66 chapters of the Book of Isaiah.

Dating from between 120BC and 100BC, the scroll is considered to be one of the oldest of those discovered. “The Great Isaiah Scroll conveys the importance of the prophet Isaiah in Jewish belief and is 1,000 years older than the oldest manuscripts in the Hebrew Bible,” said Dr Adolfo Roitman, an Israeli expert on the scrolls.

While the original scroll is kept in Israel, a copy will be displayed in Hong Kong.

More on the Isaiah Scroll and its replicas is here and links. And there's lots more on the Gabriel Revelation (formerly, the Vision of Gabriel) here and links.