Friday, March 04, 2016

Becker, Avot de-Rabbi Natan B

Avot de-Rabbi Natan B
Aus dem Hebräischen übers. u. hrsg. v. Hans-Jürgen Becker

[Avot de-Rabbi Nathan B.]
2016. V, 189 pages.
Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 162

119,00 €
ISBN 978-3-16-154088-2

Published in German.
Following the analysis of the Hebrew basis-text through the edition of the Genizah fragments (2003) and the synopsis of the manuscripts of both versions of Avot de-Rabbi Natan (2006), Hans-Jürgen Becker presents a translation of Version B with this volume. The translation is in alignment with the text research for this work, which is a central source for historical interpretation and wisdom of antique Rabbinic Judaism, and renders the work accessible to interested neighbouring disciplines. The basis of the translation is the oldest and most completely preserved manuscript MS Parma 2785 (= de Rossi 327, Spain 1289), supplemented by the MS Vatican 303 (Italy, 15 th century). Translation-relevant variations of all textual witnesses are annotated or documented in a synoptic depiction. The greatest possible literality is aimed for and difficult passages are not linguistically concealed. The remarks indicate possible understandings of the text without preempting its interpretation.