Sunday, November 27, 2016

Taschenwörterbuch Hebräisch und Aramäisch zum Alten Testament

Taschenwörterbuch Hebräisch und Aramäisch zum Alten Testament

[Pocket Dictionary of Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic.]
2016. XIV, 202 pages.

19,99 €
ISBN 978-3-8252-4678-5

Published in German.
The Pocket Dictionary of Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic contains all the vocabulary of the Old Testament, including the Aramaic parts and all proper, place and other names. Furthermore, it also offers a list of important words according to how frequently they occur. The pocket dictionary does not wish to replace the comprehensive Hebrew Lexicon, but rather aims to serve as a first point of reference when translating a book or text, preparing a sermon or lesson, translating in Bible courses or examination groups, or when searching for the German word and meaning of vocabulary.