Thursday, July 12, 2018

Patrologia Blog

THE AWOL BLOG: Patrologia: Latina, Graeca & Orientalis. This is notice about a blog (with this title) which is new to me:
Hints, resources, links and information about the Patrologia Latina and the Patrologia Graeca, both edited by J.-P. Migne and reprinted later by the Garnier Brothers, and the Patrologia Orientalis, edited by R. Graffin and F. Nau.
This website and it’s blog aims to inform and study. All studies in this blog are the property of the authors, and publishers. The administrator of this blog or its readers have no commercial right. Copying for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
It has information about Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Syriac sources.

I would say Assimilated to the Blogosphere, but its assimilation took place long ago. The blog has been running since the beginning of 2008. I'm glad to have finally run across it.

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