Saturday, September 01, 2018

The Syriac Digital Library

THE AWOL BLOG: eBethArké: The Syriac Digital Library.
Beth Mardutho seeks to promote the study and preservation of the Syriac heritage and language. The eBethArké digital library, a collaboration of Beth Mardutho and the Rutgers University Libraries, provides digital resources and tools for people to pursue the study of this ancient legacy globally. We aim to serve the academic community and the heirs of the heritage.

If you want to understand the roots of three of the world's major religions, read excerpts from classical literature in its earliest known translation, or just explore the literary heritage of the Fertile Crescent, a part of the world steeped in a rich and ancient tradition, eBethArké will make the treasures of this culture accessible to everyone.
This digital library has been around for quite a while, but it is only now starting to go online. Cross-file under Syriac Watch.

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