Thursday, August 30, 2018

Western Wall conservation plan still waiting for funding

TEMPLE MOUNT WATCH: Still no budget for conservation at Western Wall section where boulder fell. Antiquities Authority says it's 'ready to get to work' shoring up wall adjacent to egalitarian prayer area, but government isn't transferring necessary funds (Amanda Borschel-Dan, Times of Israel). The wording is not entirely clear, but it sounds as though a budget has been agreed in principle, but the money has not yet been produced. I hope it is forthcoming soon.

And there's also this:
Meanwhile, at the main Western Wall prayer pavilion, on Tuesday the Israel Antiquities Authority carried out regular twice-yearly maintenance checks. The IAA reported the survey found no indication of significant change in its condition.

And this:
{Geoscientist Prof. Simon) Emmanuel suggested the implementation of a high-tech early warning system using relatively cheap and non-intrusive high-resolution cameras and computer algorithms to analyze visual input in real time to sense the slightest movement.

“If you look at the footage, there was a bulge before the fall. Had there been a proper warning system, it could have picked it up in time,” he said.
That sounds like a good idea.

The article covers the whole situation thoroughly and is worth a read.

Background on the close-call rockfall is here and links.

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