Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Review of Fredriksen, When Christians Were Jews

MARGINALIA REVIEW OF BOOKS: When Jesus Was Jewish. Larry W. Hurtado on Paula Fredriksen’s When Christians Were Jews.
This latest book by Paula Fredriksen is aimed at a broad readership, and so heavily draws on some of her earlier works, especially Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity (1999), and Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle (2017). But the present book skilfully and readably weaves its own narrative and stands on its own as a succinct account of the earliest stage of what became Christianity. She succeeds admirably in presenting a compact account for “general readers” that is built on her much fuller work. The emphasis is on the Jewishness of Jesus and the earliest Jesus-followers, and their Jerusalem orientation, including particularly a positive view of the temple. ...
Professor Hurtado has also posted another review of this book on his blog.

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