Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Activities for the Apocalypse

IF YOU ARE CONFINED TO QUARTERS and seeking diversion, here are a couple of activities that (resources/expertise permitting) you can do at home.

First, from the Archaeological Institute of America: 2020 AIA Photo Contest. The deadline for submission is 29 March 2020.

Second, the Hugoye list (devoted to Syriac studies) has remained active through all the excitement this month. I can't figure out how to link to this recent post, but I will copy it here in case any Syriac scholars haven't seen it.
([hugoye-list] Sheltering at Home & Deduping SEDRA - Monday, 23 March 2020 at 9:48 pm)

Dear Friends of Beth Mardutho,

We hope that you are keeping safe during this difficult time. As many of you are likely sheltering at home, you may find yourselves with extra time on your hands. Therefore, we at Beth Mardutho have decided to put out a call to those of you who know Syriac and are interested in volunteering some of your free time. As most of you are aware, SEDRA is a database of the Syriac language. Currently, it contains 4,264 duplicated lexemes. We would like to merge these duplicates. If you are interested in helping dedupe SEDRA and you know Syriac (2 years University level experience), please contact Shelby Loster at shelby@bethmardutho.org for more information.

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
The Beth Mardutho Team
Cross-file under Syriac Watch.

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