Sunday, March 08, 2020

Völkening, Imago Dei versus Kultbild

Völkening, Helga

Imago Dei versus Kultbild
Die Sapientia Salomonis als jüdisch-hellenistischer Beitrag zur antiken Bilderdebatte

[Imago Dei versus Cultural Icon: The Wisdom of Solomon as a Jewish-Hellenistic Contribution to the Ancient Debate on Images]

Series: Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 508

99,95 € / $114.99 / £91.00*
Publication Date: January 2020
ISBN 978-3-11-055315-4

Aims and Scope
The study spotlights the importance of ethical discourse on icons in the Book of Wisdom. Using structural, semantic, and topological analyses, it shows that parenesis about false and true images of God is an overarching theme, and contextualizes it in terms of tradition and cultural history. The text makes a unique contribution to the ancient debate on images by positing that they fulfill the imago dei invested in human beings.

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