Sunday, May 03, 2020

Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind

NEW BOOK FROM MOHR SIEBECK: Max J. Lee. Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind. Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and his Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries 2020. XXXV, 658 pages. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe 515. 139,00 € including VAT sewn paper ISBN 978-3-16-149660-8.
Published in English.
Max J. Lee examines the philosophies of Platonism and Stoicism during the Greco-Roman era and their rivals including Diaspora Judaism and Pauline Christianity on how to transform a person’s character from vice to virtue. He describes each philosophical school’s respective teachings on diverse moral topoi such as emotional control, ethical action and habit, character formation, training, mentorship, and deity.

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