The Qumran Rule Texts in Context: Collected Studies
Charlotte HempelISBN 9781628372625
Status Available
Price: $55.00
Binding Paperback
Publication Date November 2019
Pages 420An essential collection for students of Qumran texts now available in an affordable paperback
Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Rule Texts have been at the forefront of the scholarly imagination, often thought to offer direct insight into life at Qumran. While the literary, scribal, and textual aspects reflected in the Rule texts have become clearer, the social and community realities remain fuzzy. To bring greater clarity to this picture, the studies by Charlotte Hempel collected in this volume deal with several core Rule texts from Qumran, especially the Community Rule (S), the Rule of the Congregation (1QSa), the Damascus Document (D), and 4Q265 (Miscellaneous Rules), with the goal of uncovering a complex network of literary and more murkily preserved social relationships. Several studies position the Rule literature within a shared context of wisdom, law, and the scribal milieu of the emerging scriptures. A previously unpublished, substantial final chapter explores the distinctive character of Qumran Cave 4 as an eclectic collection of ancient Jewish higher learning.
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