Monday, December 07, 2020

Zoom launch of the Manuscript Hunters website

ON 16 DECEMBER 2020: Manuscript Hunters Website Launch.
We cordially invite you to join us for the live launch of a brand new website, created through industrious research and splendid illustrations by several fine students (with guidance from some foolhardy instructors), titled:
During the course of the 17th-19th centuries, European scholars and adventurers set off for the Middle East in search of precious manuscripts in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Syriac, and other languages. Through much intrigue and sometimes at great personal cost, they obtained (with or without permission) the treasures that become the cornerstone of many grand archives. At stake were the pride of empires and nations, the personal reputations of the scholars, and the reliability of sacred texts.

Tune in for an hour of indulging in the scandals of manuscript acquisition and seeing the illustrations drawn especially to illustrate these bizarre scenes. Hear the journeys our research has taken, but be warned: we've discovered many more questions than answers. And most importantly, be there when we reveal the web address of the new site ...

Follow the link for registration information.

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