Saturday, January 30, 2021

Lehrich, Jonathan Z. Smith on Religion (Routledge)

Jonathan Z. Smith on Religion
By Christopher I. Lehrich
Copyright Year 2021




ISBN 9780367030834
Published December 31, 2020 by Routledge
184 Pages

Book Description

Jonathan Z. Smith (1938–2017) was unquestionably one of the most important and influential voices of critical reflection within the academic study of religion in the last century. His work explored the nature and history of religious phenomena across cultures—from ancient Jewish practices to Maori cults, from early Christianity to mass suicide in the twentieth century—while critiquing the assumptions underlying the very category of "religion."

This important volume offers the first full critical assessment of the influence of Jonathan Z. Smith’s thought on the subject of religion. Christopher I. Lehrich systematically examines and develops a critical overview that will assist others in engaging more fully with Smith’s scholarship.

This book is an essential reading for students and scholars interested in the work of Jonathan Z. Smith as well as the history of religion more broadly.

For more on Jonathan Z. Smith and his work, see here and here.

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