Sunday, January 31, 2021

Botner, Jesus Christ as the Son of David in the Gospel of Mark (CUP)

Jesus Christ as the Son of David in the Gospel of Mark

Part of Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

AUTHOR: Max Botner, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Michigan
DATE PUBLISHED: October 2020
FORMAT: Paperback
ISBN: 9781108702140


This study contributes to the debate over the function of Davidic sonship in the Gospel of Mark. In contrast to William Wrede's paradigm, Max Botner argues that Mark's position on Jesus's ancestry cannot be assessed properly though isolated study of the name David (or the patronym son of David). Rather, the totality of Markan messiah language is relevant to the question at hand. Justification for this paradigm shift is rooted in observations about the ways in which ancient authors spoke of their messiahs. Botner shows that Mark was participant to a linguistic community whose members shared multiple conventions for stylizing their messiahs, Davidic or otherwise. He then traces how the evangelist narratively constructed his portrait of Christ via creative use of the Jewish scriptures. When the Davidssohnfrage is approached from within this sociolinguistic framework, it becomes clear that Mark's Christ is indeed David's son.

  • Scrutinizes the plight of Davidic messianism in Markan studies
  • Adopts a sociolinguistic approach to ancient messianism to provide a new paradigm for assessing how ancient authors deployed traditions about David and his descendants
  • Will appeal to those who are interested in intertextuality in early Jewish literature in general and in the New Testament Gospels in particular

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