Friday, February 26, 2021

Two golden tongues

ANOTHER UPDATE: Major new discovery of mummies in Alexandria from Greco-Roman era. During the discovery of 16 burial chambers in stone-carved tombs, the Egyptian-Dominican mission found several mummies, remnants of gilded cartonnage and tongue-shaped gold foil amulets (Alaa Omran, Al-Monitor). This article is a good account of the discoveries in the tomb complex of Taposiris Magna, Egypt. And it finally relays official word on how many of the mummies there had golden tongues:
Khaled Abu al-Hamd, director general of Alexandria Antiquities, told Al-Monitor that the mission has found since the beginning of the year a number of mummies, most of them in bad condition because of their proximity to the sea and exposure to very high humidity. In addition, a female funeral mask was found, eight golden flakes, eight marble masks dating back to the Greco-Roman era, two golden tongues, gold coins and a lot of gold dust.
"Two golden tongues." There, that wasn't so hard.

Still no sign of Cleopatra though!

Background here and here.

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