Saturday, March 13, 2021

Davis, Reconstructing the Temple (OUP)

Reconstructing the Temple

The Royal Rhetoric of Temple Renovation in the Ancient Near East and Israel

Andrew R. Davis

  • Examines the rhetoric surrounding temple renovation in royal literature of the ancient Near East
  • Engages extensively with primary sources from a range of time and cultures
  • Interprets the story of Jeroboam I's placement of calves at Dan and Bethel (1 Kgs 12:25-33) as an account of temple renovation

This book examines temple renovation as a rhetorical topic within royal literature of the ancient Near East. Unlike newly founded temples, which were celebrated for their novelty, temple renovations were oriented toward the past. Kings took the opportunity to rehearse a selective history of the temple, evoking certain past traditions and omitting others. In this way, temple renovations were a kind of historiography. Andrew R. Davis demonstrates a pattern in the rhetoric of temple renovation texts: that kings in ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, Syria and Persia used temple renovation to correct, or at least distance themselves from, some turmoil of recent history and to associate their reigns with an earlier and more illustrious past.

Davis draws on the royal literature of the seventh and sixth centuries BCE for main evidence of this rhetoric. Furthermore, he argues for reading the story of Jeroboam I's placement of calves at Dan and Bethel (1 Kgs 12:25-33) as an eighth-century BCE account of temple renovation with a similar rhetoric. Concluding with further examples in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Reconstructing the Temple demonstrates that the rhetoric of temple renovation was a distinct and longstanding topic in the ancient Near East.


Published: 08 October 2019
232 Pages
ISBN: 9780190868963

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