Thursday, March 25, 2021

Solomon, Jesus, Abgar, and Mary in the Coptic magical papyri

THE COPTIC MAGICAL PAPYRI BLOG: Kyprianos Update (24 March 2021). This project and its database are doing some great work.

Its overlap with PaleoJudaica's interests is tangential, so I don't link to their posts often. But it is worth noting that one of the new texts is based on material in the Testament of Solomon and another is a Coptic fragment of the apocryphal Letter of Jesus to King Abgar. I didn't know that the latter existed in Coptic. There is also a prayer attributed to the Virgin Mary.

For more on the Testament of Solomon see here and here and links. For more on the real King Abgar V and his fake correspondence with Jesus, see here and links.

Cross-file under Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Watch, New Testament Apocrypha Watch, and Christian Apocrypha Watch.

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