Friday, April 02, 2021

Gorgias Series: Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages

Invitation for submission to Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages

Dear all,

It is my pleasure to announce you that the Gorgias Series Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages is ready to accept new submission. This series once started as the POSL series (Perspectives on Syriac Lexicograpy), but because of its interdisciplinary focus and the efforts to bring Syriac lexicography and linguistics into dialogue with other scholarly traditions focusing on Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek linguistics, the title of the series was changed to do justice to this broader field of interst. Currently it includes monographs about Neologisms in Modern Literary Syriac, handwritten documents with multilingual and multigraphic structures in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, Classical Syriac phonology, Christian Palestinian Aramaic and genitive structures in Aramaic, just to mention a few topics, in addition to highly interesting colloquia volumes including papers presented at the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP), a research group that convenes at international conferences such as SBL and IOSOT. For a full list of the volumes see

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript to this series, please contact me, the series editor.

The other members of the editorial board are: Terry Falla, Margherita Farina, Daniel King, Godwin Mushayabasa and Richard Taylor.

Kind regards,

Wido van Peursen

Prof. dr. W.T. (Wido) van Peursen
Faculty of Theology, VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel. +31 (0)20 59 83427; email:
Twitter: @PeursenWTvan; Skype: peursenwtvan

Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer

Re-posted with the permission of the author. Cross-file under Syriac Watch, Aramaic Watch, and Philology

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