Translation and Style in the Old Greek PsalterSeries: Septuagint Commentary Series Septuagint Monograph Series
Author: Jennifer Brown Jones
While some describe the Greek Psalter as a “slavish” or “interlinear” translation with “dreadfully poor poetry,” how would its original audience have described it? Positioning the translation within the developing corpus of Jewish-Greek literature, Jones analyzes the Psalter’s style based on the textual models and literary strategies available to its translator. She demonstrates that the translator both respects the integrity of his source and displays a sensitivity to his translation’s performative aspects. By adopting recognizable and acceptable Jewish-Greek literary conventions, the translator ultimately creates a text that can function independently and be read aloud or performed in the Jewish-Greek community.
Copyright Year: 2022
Prices from (excl. VAT): €124.00 / $149.00
E-Book (PDF)
Availability: Published
ISBN: 978-90-04-47230-3
Publication Date: 15 Nov 2021Hardback
Availability: Published
ISBN: 978-90-04-47125-2
Publication Date: 11 Nov 2021
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