Monday, August 22, 2022

Conservation controversy in Hebron

ARTIFACTS AND DISABLED ACCESS: Second Temple Period artifacts 'in danger' due to construction works in Hebron. Residents of the ancient city have launched a campaign to reroute a path that would go over rare finds near the Cave of the Patriarchs (Hanan Greenwood, Israel HaYom). HT Rogue Classicism.
They include artifacts from various eras, including that of the Ottoman Empire. Among the finds is a chiseled stone that belonged to the nearby Cave of the Patriarchs but was disposed of for some reason, as well as various stones that served as part of a foundation of a building from the Second Temple Period and vestiges of a fort built by the Crusaders.

But the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, which runs the place on behalf of the Ministry of Defense, has decided to seal the excavations with soil in order to make way for a path for disabled visitors. ...

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