Wednesday, September 21, 2022

AJR on "Careers in Jewish-Christian Relations"

ANCIENTJEW REVIEW has commenced a new series: Careers in Jewish-Christian Relations.
At the 2021 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, two senior scholars (Adele Reinhartz and Judith Perkins) and two junior scholars (Deborah Forger and Krista Dalton) whose work relates to the study of early Jews and Christians convened to reflect upon their career trajectories.
One essay is published so far.

The Study of Early Jewish Christian Relations: Then and Now A personal reflection (Adele Reinhartz)

The growth in expertise, the move towards more complex and nuanced understandings of the history, text, and peoples of the ancient Mediterranean, the opening up of boundaries not only between early Christian and early Jewish studies but also with the field of classics, and the availability of new approaches and methods all bode well for the study of early Jewish Christian relations. The sky is the limit when it comes to the new questions that can be addressed, and the old questions that can be approached from new and exciting perspectives.

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