Monday, October 24, 2022

Arab Archaeologists in Israel

ARCHAEOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGISTS: The Groundbreaking Work of Arab Archeologists in Israel. Over the years, Arabs who sought to work as archaeologists were looked on with suspicion by Jews and Arabs alike. Haaretz speaks with pioneers in the field about their challenges and achievements (Nir Hasson, Haaretz).
Fortunately for the first generation of Arab archaeologists in Israel, the early ‘90s brought two developments which significantly influenced the field: In 1990, the Israel Antiquities Authority was established, replacing the Antiquities Department that had operated as a small department within the Education Ministry. This coincided with a construction boom all over the country thanks to the need to house the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Archaeological remains were discovered at many construction sites, and there was great demand for archaeologists to supervise rescue excavations – digs conducted in advance of construction or development. Many of the students who completed their bachelor’s degree in archaeology at the time were hired by the Israel Antiquities Authority. Some of them advanced to senior positions.

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