Saturday, February 18, 2023

On the Diadochoi, the successors of Alexander the Great

THE WORLD IS FULL OF HISTORY: Who Are the Diadochi of Alexander the Great? (The Collector).

This is a good, brief article on the Diadochoi, the generals who succeeded Alexander after his death. Nice coin photos too.

Some of them are mentioned (glancingly or using secret code names) in the Bible in the Book of Daniel.

Ptolemy I is "the king of the south" (a title reused later in the chapter for other Ptolemids) and Seleucus I is "one of his princes" in Daniel 11:5. Verse 4 also says more generally that Alexander's kingdom will be "broken up and divided toward the four winds of heaven" to others besided his posterity. This apparently refers to Ptolemy I, Seleucis I, Cassander, and Lysymachus. Cf. Daniel 8:8, 22 and, more generally 1 Maccabees 1:8-9.

I am unaware of any biblical references to Antigonus I.

For more on the Ptolemaic dynasty, including biblical references and the coins of the rulers, see here and links. For more on Seleucus I Nicator, see here and links. For more on the Seleucid dynasty and their coins, see here and links.

What appears to be a lost history of the Diadochoi has recently been partially recovered in a carbonized scroll from Herculaneum.

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