Friday, December 29, 2023

Bible Places annual archaeology list

ANNUAL ARCHAEOLOGY LIST WATCH: Top 10 Discoveries of 2023 (Todd Bolen, Bible Places Blog).
The following is a “roundup of roundups.” Surveying more than 100 roundup posts written over the year, I have created a series of lists for what I consider to be most significant, beginning with the Top 10 Discoveries related to biblical archaeology. Our survey also recalls the most controversial stories of the year and other noteworthy reports from Jerusalem, Israel, and the broader biblical world. We have a section of top stories related to tourism, and for the first time, I am including a section of stories related to the antiquities trade and vandalism. As usual, we round up the best print and digital resources noted here over the year, as well as the deaths of influential figures. At the end, you can find links to other top 10 lists.
By far the best and most comprehensive annual archaeology list of 2023. PaleoJudaica has also covered most of these stories over the course of the year.

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