Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Eight facts about the Book(s) of Enoch

ENOCHIANA: 8 Facts about The Book of Enoch and its Content. The Book of Enoch has a remarkable impact on how individuals interpret the Bible, yet many people have never heard of it (Eben De Jager, The Collector).
The Book of Enoch makes for interesting reading. This pseudepigraphal work was widely read and accepted by the early church fathers, and once it went missing, the interpretation of key Biblical texts changed. Today, we distinguish between three works known as the Book of Enoch. So, what are these fascinating works all about?


There are a few little errors in this piece, but it is otherwise substantially accurate and informative.

There are many, many PaleoJudaica posts on the books of 1-3 Enoch. For some on 1 Enoch, see here and here and links. On 2 Enoch, see here and links. On 3 Enoch, see here and here and links.

A translation of the fourth "Book of Enoch" — the Book of Giants — is coming out in MOTP2 in 2025. This will be the first complete English translation of all surviving fragments. The volume will also reprint an English translation of the surviving Coptic fragments of 2 Enoch. Watch this space for updates.

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