Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Online Workshop: Exploring the Apocrypha (etc.)

EVENT: Online Workshop: Exploring the Apocrypha: Uncovering Hidden Christian Texts (Medievalists.net).
The Orthodox Academy of Crete, Medievalists.net, and After Constantine Journal are inviting you to join the online international workshop “Exploring the Apocrypha: Discovering Hidden Christian Texts.”, which will take place on Zoom on February 18, 2024, at 11:00 (Eastern US time).
Some details:
In this course we will discover biblically adjacent texts that present themselves as scriptural revelation by named biblical authors but which are not accepted as such (the pseudepigrapha ‘spuriously attributed writings’), books accepted by some traditions but not others (deuterocanonical books), and works that provide supplementary background information, alternative versions of events, or which expand on biblical narratives, episodes, and figures (apocrypha in the broadest sense). Through a series of mini-lectures, activities, and group discussions, this one-day programme will grapple with the historical, theological, and cultural significances of a wide body of Jewish and Christian writings that fall outside the Bible.
In other words (1) by "apocrypha" the title means what PaleoJudaica would call New Testament apocrypha, Old Testament pseudepigrapha, Old Testament Apocrypha (Deuterocanonica), and more; and (2) despite the title, the workshop looks at both Jewish and Christian texts.

One of the instructors, John J. Gallagher, is also an honorary lecturer in the School of English at the University of St. Andrews.

The cost of the one-day workshop is USD $69.

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