Monday, January 29, 2024

Regina tombstone on loan to British Museum

ARAMAIC WATCH: The South Shields tomb is on loan to the British Museum (Muhammad, Pi News).
The Regina tombstone featured in the recent BBC Radio 4 series ‘Being Roman’ by renowned historian Mary Beard was erected by a man named Barates from Palmyra, Syria.

Originally from southeast England, Regina was a slave, but Barates freed her and later married her. When she died at the age of 30, he made her an expensive tombstone.

... A replica of the tombstone is currently on display at the British Museum, but is now acquiring the original for a major new exhibition Legion: Life in the Roman Army, which looks at what it was like to be in one of the most elite fighting forces. ...

The stone has two epitaphs, one in Latin and one in (Palmyrene) Aramaic. Follow the link for photos.

There is a long PaleoJudaica post on this tombstone here.

Cross-file under Exhibition.

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