Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ToI on the new Infancy Gospel of Thomas fragment

NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA WATCH: 1,600-year-old papyrus fragment contains earliest account of Jesus’ childhood. Scrap from extra-biblical Infancy Gospel of Thomas discovered in German archive contains story of young Jesus bringing clay birds to life on the Sabbath (Gavriel Fiske, Times of Israel).
A small, 1,600-year-old papyrus fragment discovered in a German archive has been revealed to contain the earliest known copy of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, an early Christian text describing the childhood of Jesus that once enjoyed enormous popularity but was not canonized into the New Testament.


A good article that covers the issues. It interviews Dr. Lajos Berkes, one of the publishers of the fragment, and also Prof. Tony Burke, who has published recent editions of the Greek and Syriac versions of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas.

Background here.

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