Friday, September 13, 2024

They are raising the Mazzarón II

PHOENICIAN WATCH: Murcia government excavates 7th century BC Phoenician ship in Mazarrón: “It’s a historic day” (MR. Ricky Martin, Top Buzz Times).

The headline would be more accurate to say that the Murcia goverment has started to excavate the shipwreck. The archaeologists have only brought up one piece so far, but that's a start!

The piece brought to the surface is a part of the arc of the ship belonging to the starboard side, which will give way to the process of salvaging the rest of this precious wreck and to the subsequent restoration and study works, in order to arrive in the best conditions for its future conservation and exhibition.
PaleoJudaica has been following the project to raise the Mazzarón II for some years. It will be a process up bringing it up section by section, then reassembling and restoring it. It is good to see that the extraction has finally started.

Background here and links. Note the variable spellings Mazarrón (Mazarron) and Mazzarón (Mazzaron).

Cross-file under Marine (Maritime, Underwater) Archaeology.

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