11Q5 (11QPsa), known as the Great Psalms Scroll, is on display at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA. This exhibition has been made available by the Israelite [sic] Antiquities Authority and the sponsorship of The Lowell Milken Family Foundation. You can learn more about the exhibition here. I had the opportunity to visit the exhibit on Friday with my family and found it to be an enriching experience.An interesting, rather technical discussion.In this post, I’d like to discuss three (among many!) important features of this manuscript by way of comparing it to the more popular 1QIsaa. For a discussion on the textual nature of the manuscript, see my prior post here.
For more on the Reagan Library Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition, see here and here.
Material from 11Q5 was on display in Jerusalem in 2008 and in Toronto in 2009.
For more posts on the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa), see the links collected here.
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