Ezekiel’s Sign-Acts
Methods and InterpretationEdited by: Tyler D. Mayfield and Penelope Barter
Volume 562 in the series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111521015Institutional price £110.00
Language: English
Publisher: De Gruyter
Copyright year: 2025
Audience: Scholars in the field of theology, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible studies, Jewish studies. Pages
Front matter: 12
Main content: 228
Tables: 1
Keywords: Ezekiel; sign acts; Old Testament; Hebrew Bible.eBook
Published: November 4, 2024
ISBN: 9783111521015Hardcover
Published: November 4, 2024
ISBN: 9783111519739About this book
The Ezekiel passages describing the instructions for, and dramatization of, divine messages (Ezekiel 3-5; 12; 24; 37) are among the most bizarre in the Hebrew Bible. The prophet is commanded to embody his message of judgment to Jerusalem, and these actions clarify the oracles they surround. Yet, these sign-acts are frequently overlooked within Ezekiel studies, which tend to focus on the book’s strange visions and controversial oracles. This volume addresses the growing diversity in approaches in Ezekiel studies by inviting international senior and junior scholars to focus on the texts concerning Ezekiel’s sign-acts. It aims to redirect scholarly attention to these often-ignored texts, which stand so central to understanding the nature of prophecy as well as the overall book of Ezekiel.
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