Sunday, August 05, 2007

IT'S THE TIME OF THE YEAR FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, and this sounds like a good one:
Vacation Bible School takes children back to ancient biblical times

This week, wide-eyed children walked into the parish hall of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and back in time to the year 10 A.D. in the old city of Nazareth.

The elaborate Jewish village that greeted the 50 children — including a temple, a carpenter’s shop, a sheep crossing and a typical home — had a lot of “wow” factor for those participating in Vacation Bible School.

“It’s like going into a big time machine,” Marshall Drake, 10, said.

And it was all hands-on, meant to evoke the feel of ancient Jewish life and help children understand how Christianity is rooted in Judaism, said Judy Carter, who guided the Vacation Bible School to fruition.
