Monday, August 28, 2017

More on the crucifixion gem

ICONOGRAPHY: The current issue of Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (57.3, 2017) has an article by Roy D. Kotansky on the gemstone that bears what is reportedly the earliest image of Jesus' crucifixion (c. 200 CE).

The Magic ‘Crucifixion’ Gem in the British Museum

The obverse, showing the earliest extant image of the Crucifixion, has an inscription suggesting a non-canonical source, while the reverse inscription reveals later reuse of the gem by a non-Christian.
I noted another article about the gem here. In that post I raised some queries about its provenance and authentication. Dr. Kotansky addresses these questions, citing my blog post. See especially p. 632 and n. 4 of his article.

Another interesting point about this object is that the the back side seems to have been inscribed (later?) by a different hand and a different engraver.


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