Wednesday, August 15, 2018

UCLA digitizes more St. Catherine’s manuscripts

DIGITIZATION: UCLA Library to host digital archive of ancient Arabic and Syriac manuscripts. Arcadia Fund grant will help open access to rare manuscripts from St. Catherine’s Monastery (Dawn Setzer, UCLA Newsroom).
The UCLA Library and Early Manuscripts Electronic Library have partnered with St. Catherine’s Monastery to digitize and publish online on an open access basis some 1,100 rare and unique Syriac and Arabic manuscripts dating from the fourth to the 17th centuries.

A UNESCO World Heritage site located in a region of the Sinai Peninsula sacred to Christianity, Islam and Judaism, St. Catherine’s Monastery houses a collection of ancient and medieval manuscripts second only to that of the Vatican Library. Some 400,000 images will be created, including of works from Syriac literate culture, which flourished between the third and eighth centuries, and Christian Arabic literature, which appeared in the eighth century as Christian communities adapted to the spread of Islam.

This extensive collection of manuscripts becoming accessible to scholars around the world is thanks to the support of a $980,000 grant from the Arcadia Fund.

Cross-file under Syriac Watch.

The Arcadia Fund has already supported UCLA for the Sinai Palimpsest Project. As I said earlier, I am very pleased to see my alma mater UCLA involved with the work on the manuscripts at St. Catherine's. Follow the last link for more on St. Catherine's Monastery, its manuscripts, and the reopening of its library.

For many other manuscript digitization projects, see here and follow the links

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