Monday, October 15, 2018

A punic winepress in Spain

PUNIC WATCH: The 2,300-year-old winery concealed in a Spanish mountain. he archeologist who discovered the Phoenician site in Cádiz wants to create an information center on the history and culture of wine (JESÚS A. CAÑAS, El País).
The facilities were used to produce wine in the 3rd century BC, and artifacts found at the site suggest that it also hosted religious rituals in which wine was used to establish contact with the gods.

And yet this invaluable legacy continues to languish ever since its discovery in 1991. “Even though there is some earlier archeological evidence of winemaking in the Levante area, San Cristóbal is a complete winemaking facility covering 2,000 square meters. It is unique,” explains Diego Ruiz Mata, an archeologist and professor of prehistory.
Some past posts on other excavated ancient wineries (in Israel) are here, here, here (maybe), here, here (a wine cellar), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Dr. Ruiz Mata also describes the wine made at the Cádiz facility and suggests that modern producers should recreate it. It sounds sweet for my taste, but some people would like it. For other efforts at vintage resurrection and recreation of ancient beers, see here and links

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