Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Another interview with Elaine Pagels

PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Pagels traverses grief, healing and the nature of belief in ‘Why Religion?’ (Jamie Saxton).
In her acclaimed 2018 book, “Why Religion? A Personal Story,” Elaine Pagels, the Harrington Spear Paine Foundation Professor of Religion, interweaves her own account of unimaginable loss with the scholarly work that she loves, examining the spiritual dimension of human experience.
The article includes an interview with Professor Pagels. Excerpt:
You call your work — teaching and research — “a kind of yoga.” How so?

Yoga is about opening the heart. It is also a practice that challenges me, that sharpens understanding, that increases flexibility. And my teaching and research does that too. It opens up the questions that I reflect on.

Background on Why Religion is here.

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