Friday, June 12, 2020

Canaanite ancestry of Jews and Arabs?

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: Jews and Arabs Descended from Canaanites. DNA analysis, from bodies found at several sites, explains more than half of ancestry (Jonathan Laden). This study has been in the news for a while. This essay explains the main issues clearly and concisely.

There have been many DNA studies in recent years. For more on Jewish DNA, see here and links. For more on Canaanite/Phoenician DNA, see here, here, here, and here. For Philistine DNA, see here. For Ethiopian DNA, see here. For the DNA of speakers of Aramaic, see here. And for Druze DNA, see here. For more on the study of human DNA in general, see here and links.

And it's not just human DNA! For the DNA of domesticated cats, see here and links. And, of course, for the DNA analysis of manuscripts, see here, here, here, and links.

For still more posts on various aspects of DNA analysis, run "DNA" through the PaleoJudaica search engine.

As usual, I make no claims about the accuracy or comprehensiveness of any of these studies or their coverage by the media. I blog, you decide.

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