Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Jerusalem's ghost Gennath Gate?

HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY: In Search of Josephus' Gennath Gate. Jerusalem's elusive Gennath Gate is mentioned only once by Josephus. Scholars have proposed many different locations for it, but all of them share a common geography (Chandler Collins, Approaching Jerusalem Substack). HT Rogue Classicism.
Josephus also tells us that the Gennath Gate served as the beginning of another wall that ran north, the so-called Second Wall. Although Josephus introduces us to the Gennath Gate in the context of the Second Wall, it is important to remember that it was actually a preexisting gate which was built into the First Wall. Conclusive remains of the Second Wall have never been found, but that has not stopped scholars from proposing many different hypothetical routes based mainly on the topography ...

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