Saturday, April 15, 2023

Nabatean altars in a submerged Italian city?

NABATEAN (NABATAEAN) WATCH: 2,000-year-old altars found under water in Italy belong to ancient kingdom, experts say (Moira Ritter, Miami Herald via Yahoo News).
The latest discovery in the city [of Pozzuoli] includes a temple and two marble altars that once belonged to the Nabataean people, the ministry said. Experts dated the altars to the first half of the first century.
For more on the Nabateans, see here and here and many posts in the PaleoJudaica archive. They were a pre-Islamic, polytheistic Arab kingdom. They spoke Arabic, but wrote in a dialect of Aramaic.

For an ancient Jewish connection see the posts on the Babatha archive collected here (plus here), notably here and here.

Cross-file under Marine (Maritime, Underwater) Archaeology.

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