Saturday, June 10, 2023

More on the "Pilate ring"

ONOMASTIC ARTIFACT REVISITED: One Pilate Ring to Confuse Them All. A copper ring that archaeologists found in King Herod's fortress, posited to have belonged to Pontius Pilate, may have had a completely unexpected owner, according to a new reading and interpretation (Viktoria Greenboim Rich, Haaretz).
The entire thesis that the ring belonged to, or was associated with, Pontius Pilate is based on reading the letters on either side of that krater as a single word.

But, say Eck and Ecker – they could also be two separate words, as they appear, and abbreviated.

I have already noted a BHD essay on this research (and have linked to the underlying article in ‛Atiqot). But this Haaretz article goes over the story in somewhat greater detail.

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