Nicole Belayche, Anne-Valérie Pont, Participations civiques des juifs et des chrétiens dans l'Orient romain (Ier-IVe siècles). Hautes Etudes du monde gréco-romain, 62. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2022. Pp. 456. ISBN 9782600057509Review by
Cédric Brélaz, Université de Fribourg. cedric.brelaz@unifr.chThis volume edited by N. Belayche and A.-V. Pont capitalises on their own areas of expertise on the Roman East, regarding religious interactions and civic institutions respectively. It focuses on the participation of Jews and Christians in local politics in the provinces of the Roman Empire, chiefly in Asia Minor, Egypt, and the Near East, from the first to the fourth centuries. ...
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