Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Are Egyptians reviving Coptic?

COPTIC WATCH: Egyptians Are Learning The Coptic Language To Revive Their Original Identity (Farah Abdelkarim, lovin cairo).
A Bridge Between Past and Present

Coptic, the latest stage in the evolution of the ancient Egyptian language, is gaining renewed attention. This interest reflects a broader effort to understand and honor Egypt’s rich history, amidst ongoing debates about the true origins of the Egyptian people. Renowned archaeologist Zahi Hawass has reiterated in various media appearances that Egyptians “are neither Arabs nor Africans,” emphasizing cultural and behavioral differences from their Arab neighbors. This perspective has fueled curiosity and enthusiasm for Coptic among those keen to explore their ancient heritage.

Embracing the Language Through Modern Technology

The resurgence of interest in Coptic is being facilitated by modern technology. Social media platforms and online resources have made learning Coptic more accessible than ever. Experts in the field have leveraged these tools to offer online classes, providing educational materials and cultural insights to Egyptians eager to deepen their connection with their linguistic heritage.

For more historical background on the Coptic language, see here and links.

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