Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Video reconstruction of Herod's Temple

RITMEYER ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESIGN: Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. Building the Most Detailed Depiction of Herod’s Temple.
This is truly a masterful video that aims to bring together the extensive research that began at the Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem in 1968, directed by the late Professor Benjamin Mazar. Many scholars have analysed the result of this and other excavations in Jerusalem to get a full picture of what Herod’s Magnum opus may have looked like. We understand that this 3D video is the first of a series designed to help people better understand this sacred structure.
Looks carefully researched and informative, with much attention to the technical details of reconstructing the architecture of the Temple.

Just so you know, the video is presented from a particular faith perspective.

Cross-file under (Virtual) Temple Mount Watch and Ancient Architecture.

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