Friday, August 23, 2024

On the Kingdom of Judah

ANCIENT ORIGINS: Historical, Archaeological, and Theological Debates Surrounding the Kingdom of Judah (Aleksa Vučković).
The Kingdom of Judah, an ancient state established in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age, has long been a focal point for historians, archaeologists, and theologians alike. This small but significant kingdom, centered in Jerusalem, has left a major mark on history through its rich cultural heritage, complex political landscape, and profound religious traditions. The historical narrative of Judah is intertwined with the rise and fall of great empires, prophetic literature, and archaeological discoveries, making it a subject of intense scholarly debate and public fascination, even to this day. Scholars still aim to unravel the controversies surrounding the Kingdom of Judah by examining its historical context, archaeological findings, and theological implications, all of which will help them gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and significance of this ancient kingdom.


For more on the Siloam Inscription, see here and links. On the Tel Dan Stele, here and links. On the Lachish Letters, here and links.

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