Monday, April 06, 2020

Gnosticism and those other Judean temples?

RELIGION PROF: Elephantine, Leontopolis, and Gnosticism. James McGrath provides some interesting links and comments.

For more on the Aramaic Elephantine papyri, written by Judeans in Egypt in the fifth century BCE, see here and many links. For more on the Temple of Onias at Leontopolis, Egypt, see here and links. For more on the recently discovered temple at Tel Moza (Tel Motza, Tel Moẓa, Tel Moẓah), see here and for the Canaanite temple at Lachish, see here. And for more on the question of ancient Jewish priestesses, see here.

I look forward to hearing more from Professor McGrath about his ideas connecting the Judean temples above with the origins of Gnosticism.

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