Wednesday, November 05, 2003

THE GEMATRICULATOR (via Protocols), using the ancient and infallible science of gematria, declares: is
32% evil, 68% good

This site is certified 32% EVIL by the Gematriculator

This site is certified 68% GOOD by the Gematriculator

Now you know.

UPDATE: I just noticed that the graphic for good uses a cross and the graphic for evil uses what appears to be a Star of David. I don't care about the first, but the second makes me distinctly uncomfortable. Am I reading this correctly or is there some deep Kabbalistic symbolism I'm missing?

UPDATE: It's a pentagram. Duh. Very sorry: because it's gematria I guess I was thinking in terms of Jewish symbols and then I missed the number of points. I have no idea why I didn't think of a pentagram. May I plead (hopefully temporary) stupefaction? Today I've been proofreading and fact-checking my upcoming SBL paper and then transcribing a long list of articles for a book review. Both are mind-numbing tasks but I didn't realize my mind was so numbed as that. Apologies to the Gematriculator.

This is embarrassing and I'm tempted just to delete these updates, but I won't. I hope PaleoJudaica provides enough good content and commentary that my readers will allow me an occasional stupid lapse, although I'll try very hard to avoid more lapses as stupid as this one. I'll do my best, but no promises.

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