Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Ossandón Widow, The Origins of the Canon of the Hebrew Bible

The Origins of the Canon of the Hebrew Bible
An Analysis of Josephus and 4 Ezra

Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, Volume: 186

Author: Juan Carlos Ossandón Widow

In The Origins of the Canon of the Hebrew Bible: An Analysis of Josephus and 4 Ezra, Juan Carlos Ossandón Widow examines the thorny question of when, how, and why the collection of twenty-four books that today is known as the Hebrew Bible was formed. He carefully studies the two earliest testimonies in this regard—Josephus’ Against Apion and 4 Ezra—and proposes that, along with the tendency to idealize the past, which leads to consider that divine revelation to Israel has ceased, an important reason to specify a collection of Scriptures at the end of the first century CE consisted in the need to defend the received tradition to counter those that accepted more books.

Publication Date: 26 September 2018
ISBN: 978-90-04-38160-5
EUR €110.00 / USD $132.00

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