Wednesday, August 08, 2018

The Temple of Eshmun in Sidon

PHOENICIAN WATCH: Temple of Eshmun: a Phoenician site you must visit in South Lebanon. This temple holds a great historical, archaeological, and cultural significance (Grace H., The961).
Lebanon is full of Phoenician ruins! One of the most important sites in Lebanon is the Temple of Eshmun which is located in Sidon. Built in the 7th century BC, this temple is dedicated to Eshmun which is the Phoenician god of healing and renewal of life.

Historical background

The Sidonian king Eshmunazar II constructed the temple to celebrate the city’s recovered wealth. He also built numerous temples to Sidonian divinities.
I have not been to Lebanon, but I would love to see this temple.

Eshmunazar (better, Eshmunazor) II also left behind an important biographical Phoenician inscription on his tomb. It is now in the Louvre. You can read more about it here, and, for enthusiastic philologists, here.

Now and again I like to remind readers why PaleoJudaica takes an interest in Phoenician and Punic, with a link to this post.

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